Thursday, May 19, 2011

Music to my Ears, Heart and Soul

Isn't it amazing how quickly a song is able to transport you?  You are in a car driving; the first few notes of music on the radio slowly creep into your head and stir up a memory or two that literally are capable of transporting you to another time in your life.  I love the gift of music and its ability to wrap itself around you like an old friend.

Jake enjoys that gift and has since he was in utero.  I can remember listening to music when I was pregnant with him and he would be kicking along with the beat.  It actually was quite entertaining and today, it is still entertaining watching him tap a beat to a song in his head or sing loudly to one on the music he plays (rather loudly) in his car.  Music has charmed him and I can only imagine how it too will be a gift that carries him away.  I know or at least I want to believe with conviction that there are several songs that upon hearing them, Jake will think of me long after I am gone and those songs will provide him comfort.

Though I like a good upbeat-dance-until-you-drop kind of song, it's the soulful-sung-from-the-heart song that is my friend.  I am not a country girl though Kaitie has given me an appreciation for several songs, but if you give me Elton John, Billy Joel, Kenny Loggins, Hootie, Anita Baker, and Carole King, I can wallow all day.

I wish I could publish a song.  I know I am capable of writing a poem but I would love to create the music that would accompany it.  What a head rush that must be for a songwriter to know that it is their song, their thoughts and their music that will be a gift to someone they have never met.  Honestly though, I know that is not in the cards for me.  Its no different that I am capable of having a creative idea but I need a friend or family member to take the idea, grow it and ultimately give birth to it.  And that idea that I had looks SO much better than I could have ever imagined.

What moves you?  What song feels like an old friend? Listen to that friend today, welcome them into your life for just a few minutes.....and enjoy.

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