Friday, June 24, 2011

Hiding in Plain Sight

Don't you find it incredible that a mobster who has rested in the top ten list of the FBI's most wanted for over 15 years could live in plain sight in the USA.  With the technology of today, the internet and television shows that highlight criminals, I would think that he would have been discovered years ago.

It has always been interesting to me that WWII Nazi criminals were able to move to places like Brazil and live a virtually non-threatening life.  They rarely had to look over their shoulder wondering when they might be recognized for their criminal activities.  I often wonder at what point they actually felt free from their past regressions.  Their discovery chance was almost nil compared to criminals of today's technological world.

The arrest of Whitey Bulger came about because a neighbor recognized his female companion, not him.  He was on America's Most Wanted numerous times in the last several years but to no avail.  His life remained unchanged though based on interviews with several of his neighbors, it seems he didn't want anyone getting too close.  He deflected personal questions and tried to keep both he and his girlfriend out of the limelight, calculating that the less people knew the better.  It worked for 15 years but it was her more pleasant personality that led to their demise.

How often did they look over their shoulders?  Did they wonder if someone would recognize them every day or as time passed, did they become more complacent?  Personally, I would live in fear.  In fact, I would look so guilty that the general population would seek my picture out online and I wouldn't last a week.

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