Friday, June 24, 2011


I hate being sick.  I want to be left alone and all I want to do is sleep.  You have the sniffles and you have the sneezes.  You can still work your way through a task if you have a cold.  Mothers do it all the time when caring for their children.  So in my opinion, that isn't the definition of sick.  Yeah.... you aren't feeling well and you are ill but if you really felt "pukey" by my definition, you would be puking.  

I hate puke.  I hate the smell of it, the look of it and I hate the feel of it as it rises in your throat.  Puke takes the cake in the illness category and I avoid it at all cost.  From an early age, I knew the signs that you or Kaitie were going to puke and I coaxed you into the bathroom to ensure I would not have to clean it up.  We would honestly sit in the bathroom for hours if your stomach felt the least bit rumbly.... and it was honestly a self-preservation technique on my behalf.  I wanted every bit of it to end up in the toilet, not on the walls or in the bed.

I don't "do" puke!  Okay I will if I am the last person around but only if there isn't anyone else to clean it up.  It is the reason at elementary school that I would volunteer to do anything except the health room.  Give me blood, give me bones protruding from a leg or an arm, but please don't make me have to deal with puke.  

I even do a sympathy puke if I am anywhere in the vicinity of the smell.  Not the kind of mother you want in the health room during flu season.  I always thought I had the intelligence to be in the medical field but I knew that my gag reflex would prevent that from coming to fruition.  

Puke is what makes me sick!

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