Sunday, June 5, 2011

It's LeBron NOT the Heat

Do you hate the Heat? Or do you just want to see LeBron lose? Personally, I hate heat but I can honestly say I don't hate The Heat though I am one of those people that wants to see Dirk with a ring and title at the end of this series. Why not LeBron you ask? It all can be answered with a word.....ego.

I get that LeBron is a great basketball player. Heck, even Scottie Pippen said LeBron is one of the greatest and threw him into the same category as Jordan. I get that every city wanted LeBron to leave Cleveland and come play for them. I was even somewhat amused with the PR Productions from several cities to coax him away from the Cavs. And I do NOT have an issue with the fact that LeBron left Cleveland. In fact, I was indifferent to whether he chose to leave or stay, but I entered the fray on the day I heard ESPN announce that they had an entire program dedicated to LeBron's decision. Ego became more important than the fan. Ego became everything. And when ego is everything, I root for the other side!

LeBron said he left Cleveland because of the ring. I disagree because if it really was just about the ring and his ego never came into play, he would have won that title for Cleveland. He would have created a contract that says pay me a dollar, find me a Bosch, and a Wade then when I bring the Championship title to Cleveland, pay me an astronomical bonus. It's actually amazing that he didn't have enough faith in his talent to do that! He couldn't put his money, his mouth or his ego in the same sentence.

If you're a good person, you don't need to tell people because they can see it. If you're a good athlete, you don't need to tell people because they can see it. If you are insecure in the belief that you are good, you have to sell others because you don't believe it yourself or in the case of LeBron, you are so caught up in yourself that you need constant reassurance that you really are the center of the universe. You need to hear that the basketball world will come to your Mecca to worship. You need to see the masses beneath you not at your side. You are king; you are great; you are LeBron.

Jake is not a fan of this saying or any saying for that matter but in this fits! "Talent beats hard work until talent stops working hard." Could it be that LeBron's talent might just not want to work hard?

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